St Peter's News
May Newsletter

Welcome... to May's Newsletter

What was your best memory from the Easter Church services this year?
This was the question discussed at last week's PCC meeting. The answers demonstrated both the wonderful range of services on offer and the different ways people engage with God. It was the Dawn Service on Easter Day that was most mentioned - as Easter was early this year and the clocks moved forward that night the service began properly in the dark. This Service also had its largest attendance ever. Looking at overall attendance across all the Easter services, this was also the fourth year in a row that our Easter Sunday worship numbers have grown.
All these services, like everything in Church life, don't just happen and so a  huge 'thank you' to all the many people that made these services possible: Wardens, Ministry Team, Holy Dusters, church decorators and flower arrangers, bacon butty makers, coffee and tea servers and washers uppers, musician and singers, prayers and readers, welcomers and chalice assistants, sound tech people, bonfire builders, donkey supervisors and candle lighters... there are too many people to mention - not least all of you who came and worshipped! It was was great, thank you!

Editor Apology:  We are very sorry that there are no photos in this month's newsletter - the  editing software of our provider has been unhelpfully upgraded!!  We are hoping that normal service will resume in time for June :)

In this month's newsletter

Church News 

Monastic Garden

The Holy Gardeners have been in action, busy setting out and planting up the monastic garden with the first of its plants. You may be able to spot Lavenders, Thymes, Sweet Woodruff, Rosemary, Mother Wort, Rosemary, Ladies Mantle, White Horehound, Santolina, Feverfew, Wound Wort, Lung Wort, Woad, Sage, Meadowsweet, Great Mullien, Teasel, Bay, Heartsease, Alecost, Marigold and more. There are more plants and shrubs to be added as well as information boards explaining both the uses of these plants in monastic life and St Peter's monastic connections and history.
Even in this early stage it's been wonderful to see the number of visitors and members of the Church and village community who have come to look round.

Wild Church is back!

The sun is fighting  back against the constant rain, the ground is drying and it might even be warm enough for the return of Wild Church. What could be better than celebrating God's goodness with worship outdoors? Unless there is snow, hail, rain or other unseen factors on Sunday 12 May the 10.30am Service will be outside, with all the regular Wild Church activities and some new ones too.
This is a great service for all ages and to bring those who are nervous about going into church to. So it's time to dust off your garden chairs and put the date in the diary!

Young Church this Sunday 5 May 

There will be a Young Church on Sunday 5 May during the 10.30am service. Our young worshippers will have the opportunity to learn in child focused and exciting ways and there will be games, stories and crafts to help the exploration. Come along, bring your friends and have some fun!
Young Church Team 

Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer

The Wave of Prayer is a continuous expression of Mothers’ Union members’ commitment in prayer to each other. It runs throughout the year so that the work and members of each and every area in which Mothers' Union is active is prayed for at some point. It also means that because of time differences around the world someone from the Mothers’ Union is praying every minute of every day! An astonishing thought…
We are asked to pray between 5.30pm - 6.00pm on Sunday 19 May for the work of the Mothers’ Union in the following places: Grahamstown in South Africa (2 hours ahead); Masasi in Tanzania (3 hours ahead); Afikpo in Nigeria (1 hour ahead); Wiawso in Ghana (same time as us); Chester in England and Northern Argentina (3 hours behind us).
Please pray for Mothers’ Union as we seek to encourage Christian families to teach discipleship in their homes.

Lord of the Way, the Truth and the Life, guide families to weave discipleship into daily life, nurturing faith, love and wisdom in each other; guide us in nurturing our own families in faith, that they may be assured of the love of Christ in their lives. Amen.


Mothers’ Union Meetings

May – no meeting, but please pray during the Wave of Prayer as above.
Monday 10 June at 2.00pm
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Brenda Brewer, a speaker from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, will give us an introduction to the history and ongoing work of the CWGC, and explore some of the gems of the archive collection as well as showing us more about CWGC war records.
Everyone is always welcome to MU meetings, do make sure anyone interested in this topic gets an invitation!

Christian Aid Week

Sunday 12 May Christian Aid Week Service of Prayers for Peace at 4.30pm. All Welcome.
Friday 17 May Christian Aid Week quiz night, at the Village Club, tickets £15 available  from the Parish Office, 7-7.30 pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm. Teams can be made on the evening. Last year this sold out and tickets are going fast this year so if you would like tickets - get to the Parish Office soon.

Exploring Faith: The Resurrection

Jesus' Resurrection - Did it happen, what does it mean and does it really matter?

We have had some lovely Exploring groups over the last few months and over cups of tea and cake have explored faith together. These groups are for anyone and ask real questions about faith matters in everyday language and assume no knowledge of faith. The next four gatherings take their theme from Easter, being honest and real about resurrection.
Over four meetings we will look at evidence inside and outside the Bible, explore how it impacts us as Christians and our mission to the world. The dates to put in your diary are Monday evenings:
May 13th & 20th
June 10th & 17th.
All gatherings begin with refreshments at 7.30pm and will be finished by 9.00pm.

Worshipping together, with Prestbury Methodist Church

One of the joys of our relationship with our Methodist brothers and sisters in Christ is those special occasions when we worship together. This month there are two such occasions. On 5 May they will be joining us for our 10.30am Behold the Lamb Communion, and then on 19 May Pentecost Sunday our 10.30am congregation are invited to Prestbury Methodists to share in their 10.30am Service.  The 8.30am Holy Communion, 9.30am Family Breakfast Church and 4.30pm Choral Communion will all continue as usual.

Bringing hope to the isolated…

During lockdown, when no-one was permitted to visit people in care homes, fear and isolation cannot have been easy companions for the residents. No longer able to take Communion to them, Keith Ravenscroft began to send them short reflections, helping them to know that they were still in our hearts, and very much in God’s. Hence ‘Unforgotten’ – now a book of these first reflections, shafts of light to bring God’s love into darkness, suffering – or simply a reminder of his blessing. Below, some thoughts from people we know.
“Unforgotten" speaks straight to the heart”
Keith’s gentle book “Unforgotten” gives sound theological teaching in simple language. Weaving his thoughts with some of the traditional hymns and favourite Psalms he speaks straight to the heart, but without avoiding the hard messages of the Bible and indeed of life. This book will be invaluable in my pastoral work with the elderly, but I can see it would have value and offer encouragement to anyone seeking reassurance on their journey of faith. I highly recommend it.
Anne Stirling
‘Unforgotten’ is a book to keep at the side of a favourite chair, or on the bedside table… offering hope and assurance when life seems particularly trying, or lonely, or dark. Keith reorients the reader back to the eternal, unwavering reality of God’s ever present and everlasting love for each one of us.
Sue Hawkins
"I have had the privilege of reading these out to our residents, and it has been lovely to see the comfort and reassurance they have brought. During the pandemic we had to find innovative ways to meet our residents’ spiritual needs… Keith’s reflections were a huge help, providing comfort to some very vulnerable people.”
Anna Seaton. Belong, Macclesfield
If you would like a copy ‘Unforgotten’ is available from the usual places – Waterstones, Amazon etc
Avril Ravenscroft


Worship Services for May

St Peter's Church Sunday Services















Holy Communion
with Young Church

(with livestream)

Ascension Day

Holy Communion

(with livestream)





Wild Church

Family Service

Christian Aid Service



Thy Kingdom Come
Breakfast Church

Joint Service at
Prestbury Methodist






Holy Communion
with Baptism

(with livestream)



Mission Congregation Services






St John's Church,






Church of the


Upton Priory 





Mid-Week Worship







Morning Prayer

St Peter's



Morning Prayer




Morning Prayer

Upton Priory



Holy Communion

St Peter's



Morning Prayer

St John's



School Community Worship

Church School

2nd & 4th


Pram Service

St Peter's
& Rooms


Diary for May                      

Mondays                             Morning Prayer at 9.00am in St Peters Rooms all welcome
Monday 13th                     Mothers' Union at 2.00pm

Tuesdays:                            Morning Prayer at 9.00am Zoom Code 503 346 024 Passcode 793684  

Wednesdays:                      Holy Communion 10.30am

Thursdays:                          Holy Dusters 11.30am
Thursday 9th & 23rd:        Pram Service at 10.15am St Peter's 

Fridays:                                Choir Practice 7.45pm in St Peter's

Prayer Resources

Prayer focus

This month is Thy Kingdom Come, there are numbers of resources available on line by following the links below.

Work place diary

Prayer Diary

Those who have asked for prayer

Elaine Goulsbra
Rosemary Birch
Elizabeth Greening
Rodney Thornley
Mary Houseman
Peter Ekins

Those who have died

Vivien Bisett  funeral 8 May 1.30pm
Margaret Pitt funeral 16 May 11.00am
David Jenkins
Edward Bennett
Ray Excell

Community News

D Day Celebration

Thursday 6 June is the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings during WW2.  It's a day being marked nationally with special services and the lighting of Beacons. St Peter's will be hosting the celebration, supported and funded by the Parish Council and supported by the Royal British Legion. There is a special beacon purchased by the Council that we are hoping will be lit by a veteran, the Church bells will ring, a Proclamation will be read and there will be a short act of worship. The full programme of events hasn't been finalised but the lighting of the beacon will be shortly after 9.00pm. There will be more information on posters and flyers around the village later in the month and in next months newsletter so watch this space!

Prestbury Litter Pickers

It's spring again and we are all waiting for a bit of warm weather after all of the rain this year! The rain has meant that everything is growing well - including the weeds. The Prestbury Litter-Picking group is planning a bit of Balsam bashing along the Bollin again this year and we would welcome a few more volunteers to help. Last year a few enthusiastic folk from church joined our working party and we are hoping that a few more will help again. This bashing will be in a few weeks so we will keep you posted as and when - with the amount of Balsam out there we could do with all the help we can get!
As our name suggests, we also litter pick! We go out once a month and tidy the village and we have now been doing this for 18 months. We are a small but lovely group and spend an hour going around the village just to make sure that it is tidy and free from litter. Our reward (apart from the satisfaction of seeing our streets a bit tidier, is refreshment in St Peter's Rooms afterwards. Usually cake is involved!)
In the time that we have been doing this, we have noticed a lessening of general litter so people seem to be taking more pride in their streets in Prestbury, so we feel our once-a-month effort is well spent. If you would like to join us we begin at 10.30am outside church on the first Saturday of the month.
Carol Waters

Closing Thought

We began with rejoicing in our Easter Services and mentioned an increase in attendance. On the theme of numbers... there has been some wonderful academic research done in the USA on worship attendance comparing how often people say they go to Church (or Temple, Mosque and Synagogue)  against the location data from mobile phones. Looking at the data for Protestants 15% say they attend once a week (40 times a year) but in reality only 4% do. 19% say they attend at least once a month (11 times a year) but only 16% do. Like data about drinking , smoking and speeding, people tend to self-report being more virtuous than they are. The data also had interesting information about where worshippers spent the rest of their time. I wonder what equivalent research in this country would show? Are Church-goers are more likely to shop at Sainsburys than Tesco? Are Christians more likely to  go to cinemas and Muslims to  football matches?
The Good News is that God already knows what we do and who we truly are, there is no hiding from God and he still loves us, regardless. The not-so-good-news is that you may not come to Church as often as you think you do, but that's easy to put right!