Prayer Diary Sept 2024 - Sept 2025
In a broken world we seek to live out the love of world in all we do, by

Day of the month Making Jesus Known
Prayer for the Ministry and Ministers and the Congregations
Building Jesus' Kingdom
Prayer for the work and works of the Church.
Bringing hope to a broken world
Prayer for activities that build: belonging, wellbeing, community, health and justice
Our personal passion and commitment to Jesus as Lord For Church welcomers on Sundays to help and encourage the newcomers Our Pastoral Worker
The Members of the 4.30pm congregation to invite friends and neighbours. Those looking for a spiritual home that they find one at St Peters Macclesfield Hospital its staff, patients and the chaplaincy team
The members and officers of the Parochial Church Council The Communication Hub’s posters, social media, website, articles are effective The Silk Life Food Bank
For all who read scripture in Church to grow in confidence and understanding For the families of those whose funerals we have led to know Gods assurance The work of Christian Aid
Sunday Worship at St Johns
This Time Tomorrow to encourage people to live their faith at work Adlington, Mottram St Andrew and Prestbury Parish Councils
That newcomers to Church would become regular and faithful worshippers For those who have newly moved into the area to join us in worship The Local litter pickers and Station Garden teams
For School assemblies and Wednesday community worship The Work of HOPE in North East Cheshire its many projects of care and justice. Fallibroome Academy for creative partnering and ministry openness
The Church Office and administrator in all their work and communications For the community who gather for Morning Prayer through the week to grow The Village Shops, for continued local provision of goods
The morning worship musicians and singers as Gods Spirit ministers through them Special mid-week Services in the Church Year to grow. Village events and community celebrations
For generosity of financial giving by the congregation The Holy Gardeners to draw in members from beyond Church. Those who live on their own, for neighbours to be good and caring
Associate Minister Steve and his Ministry focus at St Johns The Church Wardens For activities and groups caring for and supporting those with dementia
The Vicar Patrick in giving leadership and direction to the Church For activities and special services in the Season of Creation Projects working together with the Parish Council
The growth of the 8.30am Holy Communion service For those who are my neighbours as I witness to them by my life The Golf, Tennis and Bowls clubs
Worshippers at the 10.30am Morning service to be bold in inviting people. For Joint activities with other Churches in hope and with our local Methodists. Upton Priory Food Pantry and the CIO
All who lead Intercessions in worship and for new people to join this ministry Numbers of younger adults to take on leadership responsibilities The residential care homes in the Parish
Andrew as he leads the music Ministry of St Peters For growth in vocations to all areas of service and to licensed ministry  Eco Church
Arthur, Focal Minister at St Johns For Beverley and the growth and development of small groups Local Farmers
For authenticity and integrity in all we do as Church The teams of Flower arrangers and Brass cleaners who make church welcoming Tim Rocca our local M.P.
The team of leaders of our Young Church groups to be strengthened and blessed Wild Church and the growth of a team to set it up Doctors and Dentists
For Associate Minister Avril The vergers in their care of the building and preparation for pastoral services The Coffee shop at St John’s
An Increasing number of congregation members reading their bibles daily The Holy dusters for their care of our Church and St Peters rooms Those who are seeking work
For all who take Home Communion to individuals and care homes For activities with our Church School encouraging creation care The local Probus groups, for the friendship and support they provide
The Continuing growth and development of the Wednesday 10.30am Communion The members of the PCC as they seek to give Godly governance in their decisions Guides Brownies and Rainbows and all from church involved
Community worship and assemblies at School to draw people into Church life. Those who have drifted away that the Holy Spirit will draw them back. The Monastic garden to be a place of encountering God
For groups exploring Faith to draw in those on the edge of church life For Mothers Union for it to be a place of welcome & blessing to all who attend For the Local pubs and restaurants and all they bring to Village life
For Pram service Church, Parents leaders and helpers For Couples preparing for their wedding at St Peter’s To become a Fairtrade Church and embed the values in our decisions
Our Church School that the seeds of faith sown will produce a rich harvest The wedding clerk and wedding team For The Kings School, its staff and pupils
Our House groups and those who lead them that they become places of hope and growth Welcome lunches and the integration of newcomers The Local Police officers and PCSO
For the Church Facebook page to draw people from the fringe into Church life Breakfast Church and families that attend The Village club and our church responsibility to it
For the Church Choir making Jesus known in Choral music and in fellowship Generous congregational giving to fund the work God calls us to do. For all who care for the Churchyard as a place of beauty and reflection
The Church buildings Team ensuring Church is warm, attractive and welcoming Prestbury Methodist Church Cheshire East and our local District Counsellor