
The funeral for a loved one is our opportunity to acknowledge our grief, and to express that love – by celebrating their life and entrusting them into God’s loving care. Alongside tributes from family and friends, the music and readings we choose help to remind us that God invites us all to eternal life through Jesus and ministers will spend time helping you find what may resonate with you.
Funerals are held in church, followed by cremation or burial in a burial ground. Our churchyard is unable to take new burials, only existing family plots where there is sufficient depth. Ministers also take funerals at the crematorium.
For those people unable to attend in person, whether through distance or health, we can now livestream services on YouTube. This has been a lifeline during times of restrictions, but it remains a way for everyone to be together, wherever they are.
Whatever your situation, we will do our best to bring you comfort. God is faithful, and never abandons us.
Please contact the Vicar, your funeral director or the Parish Office.
We can also arrange memorial services.
Heavenly Father
you have not made us for darkness and death,
but for life with you forever.
Without you we have nothing to hope for,
with you we have nothing to fear.
Plant in us now that most glorious gift of love,
that we may live out our days trusting in your goodness,
and in the light and peace of your presence
through Jesus Christ our Lord.