Christmas and New Year Newsletter
It's a busy newsletter, with lots for you to enjoy. If you want to jump to a particular part then click on the section link and it will take you straight there.
In this month's newsletter
Vicar's Christmas Message
With all the strange non-Biblical additions in many Christmas carols (snow, cattle, inn keepers...) it's easy to forget that many carols tell us important truths about the birth of Jesus and its meaning. In O Little Town of Bethlehem we sing “No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive him still, the dear Christ enters in.” The writer of the carol poetically proclaims the very heart of the Gospel message.
The words were written by Phillips Brooks (1868). In a letter to a colleague, Brooks described the impact of receiving Jesus for himself in these words “I cannot tell you how personal this grows to me. He is here. He knows me and I know him. It is the realest thing in the world.”
Encounter is transformative.
Encounter changes our minds: 'I wouldn’t eat it 'til I tried it', 'I didn’t think it would be so beautiful, 'til I visited', 'I didn’t think I would like them. 'til we met'.
Encounter changes our preconceptions and even our embedded logical conclusions are changed by encounter.
Christmas is all about encounter. God speaks in many and various ways through angels, stars, circumstances - drawing people to encounter Jesus, and to “worship and adore”
Our Christmas worship services are not primarily places of entertainment or nostalgia but are places of encounter, encounter with the God, who is God. Just like the shepherds, we come, we worship and we encounter Jesus.
This Christmas we have a wonderful opportunity to invite people along to a service: friends and neighbours - those who have never encountered the God who loves them or those whose memory of encounter found long ago, is fading.
Pray too for those you invite, that this will be for them the occasion when as we “sing praises to our God the King, the dear Christ will enter in” to the lives and hearts of those “who know him not”.
With Christmas Blessings
Vicar of Prestbury
Church News
The Big Sing

It's back! For one night only - The BIG Sing! On Monday 16th December we will be Carol Singing around the Village - and whether singing is usually your thing or whether you would just consider yourself, 'enthusiastic', put the date in your diary and come along!
Groups of singers will spread the joy of Christmas in their allocated area and then merge into a truly BIG Sing at the Shirleys before heading in to St Peter's Rooms for warm drinks and mince pies. One group will begin on Willowmead (meet on the junction of Willowmead Drive and Highfield) and the other on Badger Road (meet on the junction of Badger Road and Brocklehurst Drive) at 7pm. Each group will have a lead who will supply you with carol words , but please bring your own torches.
The primary aim of the Big Sing is not to raise money (but any we do will go to charity) but to take church into our community and especially to those who will be unable to make it to Church this Christmas.
It's a Church event but also a great event to invite friends who sing and those who just like to make a cheerful noise. We will also be joined by our friends from the Methodists.
There will be a sign up sheet at the back of Church. But you can let us know you would like to join in by calling the Parish Office or sending us a message on St Peter's Facebook page or Instagram.
Young Church Nativity
Stage moving
On Saturday morning of 7 December , we will need to move the staging from out of the Norman Chapel into Church in preparation for the Young Church Nativity. If you are able to help please gather at St Peter's Rooms at 11.00am. It should take about half an hour to move and assemble it but many hands make light work.
Christmas Pram Service
The Christmas Pram Service special will be on Thursday 12 December at 10.15am in Church, with refreshments and play to follow in St Peter's Rooms. Pram service is a short, interactive and fun service for pre-school children and their chosen grown ups. All welcome.
Preparation for new Electoral Roll 2025
Action required for December
If you have not completed your application form to be included in the 2025 Electoral Roll, please do so this December. If your name is on the existing roll you still need to complete a form to go on the new roll. If you are new to our church then you will need to fill in a form too. Being on a church electoral roll is a way of demonstrating your commitment to our church and its mission and also allows you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Application forms are available from the back of church and completed forms can be posted in the red post box which is also at the back of church. Your response this month would be much appreciated!
Sue Parker
The Empty Chair
Will you have an empty chair this Christmas?
Maybe your year has been hard – for whatever reason - bereavement, illness, estrangement, worry – and Christmas seems to highlight the difficulties.
Whatever the reason, whatever the need, you are welcome to visit our Empty Chair prayer space.
Here you can:
Tell… the God who longs to bind up those who are broken-hearted, about the losses that you are feeling at this time.
Acknowledge… your feelings by tying a ribbon to the empty chair.
Offer… your mixed emotions to God by lighting a candle.
Leave behind…a written prayer, a thought or just a name and tie it to our prayer tree.
Take home…a seeded heart. Keep it in your purse or wallet to remind you that God’s love is always with you. When the spring comes cover it with soil, keep moist, and watch it grow.
A prayer for those who find the Christmas season difficult
God of comfort, come gently among us; hear our prayers, restore our souls.
Piece together our loose ends; smooth over our rough edges; restore our souls.
When lights and decorations fail to delight our senses, and serve only to deepen our pain and grief, restore our souls.
A Christmas Competition
with Divine prizes…
What’s going on in our Christmas banners outside church? Dates and times of our special services (duh!) but what else? Because each date sits in a picture, and each picture is different.
All you have to do is decide what’s happening in each picture. Who is in it? What might they be doing? Saying? Some are easy, some not so much, so time to use your imagination…
There are forms in St Peter’s with more details and for you to fill in what you’ve decided. It's open to everyone – young or not so young – and we'll draw from all your great answers at the end of the Christmas morning Communion and give out the prizes. Time to explore…!
Exploring Church
Not discovering what's behind the door by the sanctuary or at the top of the spiral staircase in the west porch, but our next opportunity to explore aspects of faith together. In the weeks running up to Lent there will be a number of Monday night explorations looking at What Church is from a different perspective. To accompany this we are delighted and excited to be joined by a number of guest preachers at the 10.30am service who will be preaching on different aspects of what it means to be Church today.
Christmas cards for friends and neighbours
A personal invitation to come to church is always more likely to make someone feel welcome. Our Christmas cards have envelopes too, so when you pick up extra cards, pick up the envelopes you need as well. Then write a short message on the envelope before popping it through their door. There is turbulence in so many areas of our lives, many hearts are restless, curious… Christmas is the perfect time to reach people, maybe to rekindle a dormant faith, or to redraw their image of God or the Church. You may be surprised at the results of such a simple action.
Mothers’ Union
Monday 9 December 2.00pm
We have a group of Handbell Ringers coming to play carols for us and there will be tea and Christmas treats!
We are collecting Christmas treats for the Pantry.
Everyone is very welcome.
Two National News Issues:
Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury
The publication of the Makin report has given media attention to how a small group of Church of England ministers covered over the abuse by the barrister John Smythe, of numbers of public school pupils and university undergraduates attending the Scripture Union Iwerne camps in the 1970s. The Archbishop of Canterbury has accepted responsibility for these multiple organisational failures and so has stepped down from his post.
Assisted dying
There has been much in the news about the vote in favour of the Terminally Ill (End of Life) Bill which may, eventually, allow people with a terminal illness the choice to end their own life. In reality it is likely to be several years before assisted dying becomes the law, and there is still the possibility it may not be passed into law. We realise there is some anxiety around the passing of the Bill, and the impact it may have on people’s lives and decision making.
If you would like to talk about either of these further with any of the ministry team in confidence, we are more than happy to have a conversation.
Rev David Ashworth
Vicar of St Peter’s for eight years (between David Moir and Patrick), many of us will remember David for the delight he took in pastoral care. David brought kindness, patience and often laughter, lifting spirits wherever he went. Steadfast in his faith, his openness and generosity drew others to explore and see the love of Jesus.
David saw too the need for change in church. It was he who began Common Worship services – a relief as he admitted that the ASB (Alternative Service Book) had ‘lost the poetry of liturgy’. He who shepherded the replacement of the old organ with the new, and he who opened up the dais, previously cluttered by small banks of pews nobody liked to sit in. (Anglicans shy away from sitting in the front!). And while each change met with resistance, David held firm, his gentleness did not mean he backed away from difficulties. All these things are with us still, enhancing our worship and laying the groundwork for even greater changes ahead.
Keith’s and my favourite memory of David was articulated perfectly by a friend in Italy when David and Sheenagh visited us. Eugenie had found a nice hotel in Rome for them for their last day and we were thanking her for taking them there. ‘It was a pleasure’ she said ‘that David, light shines from him…’
May he rest in peace, and rise in glory.Avril
Worship Services for December
St Peter's Church Services
Young Church
Street Party
Advent Festal
Nine Lessons
and Carols
(livestream) |
3.00 pm
Around the Crib
Family Christmas
Dec 29th
Holy Communion
with Baptism
Christmas at St John’s Adlington

Mission Congregation Services
Christmas Day
St John's Church,
Carols and Brass
Family Communion
Church of the
Upton Priory
Sunday 15th 10am
Service at Belong
Weds 18th 5.15pm
Campfire Carols
Christmas at Upton Priory

Mid-Week Worship
Morning Prayer (excluding Dec 23rd and 30th )
St Peter's
Holy Communion
St Peter's
Morning Prayer (excluding Dec 19th, 26th )
St John's
12th Dec
Pram Service
St Peter's
& Rooms
News From the Pantry
Royal Visit
On 28 November there was a very exciting meeting at the Pantry. Cheshire Community Fund hosted discussions around mental health, poverty and disability with a very special guest, HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh, Sophie Wessex. As well as our local MP Tim Rocha, we were joined by the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire and the High Sheriff of Cheshire. Our Pantry Manager, Fabienne, was invited to participate in the conversation around poverty. A team of volunteers from the Pantry provided refreshments and it was wonderful to see how far the CoRe Project has come since the very first grocery bag was delivered from the boot of a car, during lockdown.
Campfire Carols
Following the success of last years' Campfire Carols, there will be a Community Carol Service in front of the Chuch of the Resurrection, Upton Priory on 18 December at 5.15pm. All volunteers, members of the Pantry and local community are invited for Carols, Campfire and hot chocolate.
Citizens Advice Bureau
We are pleased to announce the Pantry will be part of a pilot scheme for the location of a Citizens Advice worker - to provide important support and advice to help those facing a range of challenging situations. Watch the newsletter for more news as the project develops.
Community News
Prestbury Church of England School Fayre
Saturday 7 December 1-4pm
This annual event run by the school PTA is always a most enjoyable afternoon. With a wonderful mix of stalls and activities there is something for everyone.
Macclesfield Brass Band Concert
Macclesfield Brass will be giving a concert in aid of Silk Life Food Bank on Saturday 14 December from 12.30 - 1.15pm at Macclesfield United Reformed Church which is on Park Green, Macclesfield SK11 7NA. Refreshments will be served from 11.45am. Free entry but donations very gratefully received.
Threads Through the Bible
Last May, a small group from Prestbury Methodists visited Lichfield Cathedral to view the amazing exhibition of embroidered panels made by a textile artist, Jacqui Parkinson, called “Threads Through Creation”. Jacqui had previously stitched another series of huge panels which she called “Threads through Revelation”. To these projects Jacqui has now added “Threads through the Cross” and all three will be presented as a single exhibition in Cathedrals around Britain during 2025/6. Jacqui produces excellent booklets that make the theological links and explain the symbolism.
This will probably be not only the largest textile project by a single artist ever, but also the largest textile project for 600 years. It will be astonishing in its scale and variety. It will have taken ten years, and used more than 25 million stitches. There will be 42 panels. If they were presented side by side, they would stretch more than 80 metres. The premiere will be at Liverpool Cathedral in January 2025. After that, there will be a further nine venues, through to the end of 2026.
It is proposed to run a coach trip to Liverpool to view this amazing work in the equally enormous and amazing Cathedral, the 5th biggest in the world, on Monday 24 February leaving our Chapel at 9:30am and aiming to return by 5:00pm. We would like to invite our friends from St Peter's to join us. There will be adequate time to view the exhibition and have lunch in the excellent Welsford Bistro in the Cathedral. The coach fare will be £15 if enough people wish to come. At the beginning of January, I will be inviting people to sign up and start collecting payment, so if you are interested please let me know on or in person so that I can contact you when I need to confirm the booking
Roger Bolton
Prayer Resources
Prayer Focus for December
It's a season where we are reminded of the need for shelter, for warmth and food and the basic needs of life. So pray for those working to provide those in our community, in our country and across the world. There is a deeper need too, the need for people to encounter the God who loves them, who came that they might have life in all its fullness. So let's pray for boldness in inviting people to Church, for services to be full of people and overflowing with joy and love and the presence of God.
Weekly Prayer topics
Please use the weekly prayer topics below for your own prayers, alongside the monthly Prayer Diary, which is available at the back of Church.
Dec 8th
As we remember Ambrose, bishop and teacher, we pray for all involved in Christian Education.
We pray for teachers in our local schools at this busy and exciting time in school life.
We pray for international students studying here in the UK.
Dec 15th
We remember St John of the Cross, and pray
O God, the judge of all ,
who gave your servant,
John of the Cross
a warmth of nature,
a strength of purpose and a mystical faith that sustained him in the darkness:
shed your light on all who love you.
We pray for those who are homeless and sleeping rough.
For the charities caring for their needs.
We pray for the persecuted Church for safety as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.
Dec 22nd
Holy Jesus,
by being born one of us,
and lying humbly in a manger,
you show us how much God loves the world.
Let the light of your love
always shine in our hearts,
until we reach our home in heaven, and see you on your throne of glory.
Pray for those at home
alone on Christmas Day.
We pray for Bethlehem the place of Jesus' birth, for Palestinian Christians and pilgrims from afar to worship in peace.
Dec 29th
The Church Commemorates the Holy Innocents
We pray
Heavenly Father, whose children suffered at the hands of Herod: by your great might frustrate all evil designs, and establish your reign of justice, love and peace...
Pray for the sanctity of all life, that proposed changes in the law will not undermine the Christian truth that all people are created in God's image and infinitely loved.
Pray that the leaders of the nations will use their power to protect the young, the vulnerable and those in need.
Those who are sick
John Syner
William Nocker
Elaine Goulsbra
Those who have died
Joe Farrell
Rev David Ashworth (Funeral at St Mary's Sandbach)
Christine Slee
Martin Gardner
Dorothy Ellis
Those whose ashes are being interred
Marion Bailey
Gunilla Metcalfe
Closing Thought
Heaven Sent
The darkness blinks before the light
Recoiling from this holy night
The thin divide between our worlds
Is fractured by the Eternal Word
And we encounter strangeness
The feeling that all things have changed
Our view of life new rearranged
Nowhere unvisited nothing unblessed
A place of peace a time of rest
Where we are offered wholeness
An old world we have just outgrown
A beauty we have never known
Our sins forgiven His mercy given
A blessed time when souls are shriven
And the darkness flies from the light
Keith Ravenscroft
Newsletter Information
Information to be included in the monthly newsletter should be emailed to the Vicar by the last Wednesday of the month to be included in the following month's edition. To register for the newsletter please visit the church website at and click on the Register button then follow the instructions.
All images are from our in church photography team or our Shift M