St Peter's News
February Newsletter

It might seem a long time since Christmas but in the Church Year the season's celebrations end with the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas) marking when Jesus is recognized by Anna and Simeon as the Christ (Luke 2:22-40) the end of many years of waiting.
Who is waiting and who is looking for Jesus in today's world?
Anna and Simeon both knew that salvation, transformation and hope would come from God, from the one who is outside of creation in the sending of the Messiah. Today, all too many people not only don't look but don't know where to look. This makes our task as Church all the more important - as a guide and a signpost to where hope can be found. As Paul says, ' How are they to believe in one whom they have never heard?' (Romans 10:14) - this telling is the task of the Church.
This gap between Candlemas and Ash Wednesday, when Lent and the Journey to Easter begins, is called Ordinary Time. It's the perfect time to do something that should be ordinary but is often extraordinary: telling people simply about Jesus and what he means to us.

In this month's newsletter

Church News

Newsletter Survey

Tell us what you think!
This month we are keen to find out how useful & interesting you find St Peter’s monthly newsletter and whether there are any improvements you’d like to see. Below is a link to a very short online survey which should take no more than 5 minutes of your time to complete. We would greatly appreciate it if everyone who receives the Newsletter could complete the survey and please do share any feedback or ideas you have which you think could make it even better. A big thank you in anticipation of your help. Closing date is Sunday 23 February.
Please click the link below to get started:

Thank You!
The Communications Team

Bring and Share Lunchfeb 25c

The next Bring and Share Lunch will be on Sunday 9 February, following the Family Service. Plates of food may be brought to the kitchen before the service. Bring and Share lunches are always wonderful opportunities to meet and get to know those you see in Church but haven't yet had opportunity to chat to, without having to rush of after Church. 
For more information or to help out, speak to Mike Waters (07570 941683) or Jo-Ann Chambers (07730 181788).

Electoral Roll Renewal

New Electoral Roll, 2025

If your name is on the existing Electoral Roll and you wish to be included on the new 2025 Electoral Roll it is essential that you complete an application form. These are available at the back of church and completed forms can be posted in the red post box.
If not completed by the end of January it will mean that you will need to be contacted. Please help us by meeting the end of January deadline.
If you are new to our church and wish to be included please ensure you complete a form. Being on the Electoral Roll is a way of demonstrating your commitment to our church and its mission and it also allows you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

Exploring Church

Our next Exploring course will begin on Monday 3 February and we will be Exploring Church. Exploring groups are a fairly new thing to church and so you may wonder:

  • Is it for me? Yes! As Christians we are life-long learners and explorers so whether you are new to church, a bit on the edge or right in the throngs of it - exploring is for you.
  • What will it be like? Our exploring groups are friendly and interactive places - but this doesn't mean it's always easy. Expect to be welcomed, to be challenged and to be drawn into the conversation - wherever you are on your faith journey.
  • Can I ask questions? Yes. Questions are brilliant and help us all - if you're thinking it, chances are someone else is too!
  • Can I come along to one evening or do I have to make them all? Each week we will be exploring something different about Church - so come along even if you can just make one. You will get the most out of doing them all, but each one is stand-alone.

If you would like to know more please get in touch with Patrick or Beverley (0777 9516048), but please put the dates in your diary. Exploring Church will be on Monday evenings in St Peter's rooms from 7.30pm, beginning with refreshments - until latest 9pm. (A Zoom link will be available too so you can join online if you prefer.)
3, 10, 17 and 24 February - with a grand finale on 3 March.
Beverley Angier

Worship for families

Our next Young Church will be on Sunday 2 February.
The Young Church team have some wonderful activities planned as they continue their exploration of Jesus' Parables. This week they are looking at the Parable of the Talents. All ages of children welcome.

Our next Breakfast Church feb 25d
will be on Sunday 16 February at 9.15am.
Breakfast Church is an informal space for parents and their children to worship together and this will be back on Sunday 19 January. PLEASE NOTE: we will begin serving breakfast at the slightly earlier time of 9.15am. Our worship will begin at 9.30am and we will draw to a close at 10.15am. 

feb 25bMinistry With Families
One of the priorities identified at last year's APCM was how as Church we could develop our ministry and work with families. If that is something that interests you please contact the me directly or the parish office as I am  looking to gather a group to discuss this.


Food Pantry Thanksgiving

In a few weeks it will be five years since the first Covid Lockdown and five years since Monique and Andrea delivered the first food parcels on the Upton Estate to those unable to get out to get food. That first food was donated by Prestbury Church Primary School parents,  AMG maintenance and St Peter's. Within weeks things started to grow and those coming on board increased to include teachers from Upton Primary and a gang of helpers from St Peter's. The food donation and distribution networks multiplied and a few months on the Food Pantry was born.
Five years later it's amazing and wonderful how many people have benefitted!  Just like the parable of the mustard seed something big enough to shelter the many, has grown out of that small start.
This is a cause for celebration and in the Family Service on 9 February we will being doing just that. The Food Pantry Manager, Fabienne, will share more about the work and all the volunteers and Pantry users are warmly invited to come and join us. This will be a great opportunity to invite those "who say what good does the church do?" to come and see! and also it is our opportunity to say 'thank you' to God for his blessing.

Praying for the sick

Like many churches, St Peter’s has a list of those members of our church community who have requested prayer - these requests are named in the newsletter, and in intercessions in church on Sundays. We trust that you too pray for these people in your own regular prayers.
In addition there are others who, quite understandably, do not wish to be named publicly but have made confidential requests for prayer to members of the Ministry Team. This is of course a key responsibility of ministry, and the ministry team members feel privileged to place loved church members before God in prayer.
We know that there must also be other people who have entrusted each of you with private information and asked you to pray for them. It is these networks of love and prayer that help form us into a caring church family, the body of Christ. Offering prayer for your family and friends is often the very best way of helping them.
God hears all prayer, and your own words from your heart might be more alive to God than any formal ones. Writing a card and tying it to the prayer tree, or lighting a candle for a friend is still prayer, and is seen and heard by God just as clearly.
Anne Stirling

Mothers’ Union

Monday 10 February 2.00pm St Peter’s Rooms
Spring Flowers
Join us in our first meeting of 2025 and anticipate spring – it’s just around the corner! Worship, refreshments and chat as usual. Everyone is very welcome. Why not bring a friend?

This Month's Worship 

St Peter's Sunday Worship




10.30 am


Feb 2nd



Holy Communion
Behold the lamb


Feb 9th




Food Pantry

Holy Communion


Feb 16th



for families
with children




Feb  23rd



Morning Worship


March 2nd



Holy Communion
Behold the lamb
with Young Church



St John's Sunday Worship 



Feb 9th

Morning Worship

Feb 23rd Holy Communion

Church of the Resurrection Worship 



Feb 2nd

Holy Communion

Feb 16th

Holy Communion


 Weekday Worship 

Day and Time



Monday 9.00am

Morning Prayer

St Peter's Rooms

Wednesday 10.30am

Holy Communion

St Peter's

Thursday 9.30am

Morning Prayer

St John's

2nd & 4th Thursday 10.15am

Pram Service

St Peter's


Community News 

A Valentine concert

The Martyn Donaldson Music Trust
Presents: Macclesfield Methodist Community Choir and soloists in A Valentine Concert
"If music be the food of love, sing on!"
on Saturday 15 February at 7.30pm
Macclesfield Methodist Church
Tickets £10 adults, £7.50 and £5.00 children  from 01625 433187/ 615298
An evening of love and romance for young and not so young alike!

Prayer Resources

Weekly Prayer topics

Please use the weekly prayer topics below for your own prayers, alongside the monthly Prayer Diary, which is available at the back of Church. 





Feb 2nd

As we celebrate the end of Epiphany
we pray for Courage to share the Good News of Jesus with our friends.

We pray for the
older members of our
community, giving thanks for their wisdom and community contributions.

We give thanks for the wonders of the created world and pray for those working in creation care projects.

Feb 9th

We pray for those on the Exploring Church Course.

We pray for the
Food Pantry at Upton
for the volunteers,
and Pantry manager.

We pray for.
International Aid Agencies delivering food to people in hunger.
For their work to be unhindered and aid to reach those in need.


We pray for families at Breakfast Church.

We pray for those
in our Community
for whom Valentines
day was a time of sadness
that they would know comfort and the
presence of divine love.

We pray for all who are single that they would know the deep warmth of friendship and the surrounding love of God.

Feb 23rd

We pray for preparations for the Prayer away day.

We pray for those walking through the Churchyard or visiting the monastic garden that they might encounter the living God.

We pray for our MP
Tim Rocca.

Those who are sick

Steve Murphy
John Syner
Elaine Goulsbra
Pauline Busby
Matilda & Jessica

Those whose ashes are being interred

Ray Excell

Closing Thoughts

In this month's poem, Keith echoes the thought of the medieval mystic, priest and theologian Meister Eckhart
‘If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank You”
that will be enough.’
A thank you prayer
Thank you for all the things I cannot know
Those gifts and hints, encouragements to grow.
The inevitable pain as well as pleasure
Oases of quiet joy that I can treasure.
For wearying work as well as blessed leisure
For experiencing love, that endless treasure.
With every day a challenge and adventure
Things I confront and things I dare not venture.
For God’s eternity that we can’t measure
Where weary hearts find peace beyond all measure.
And thank you most, that all I must go through
Will only bring me closer Lord to you! 

Newsletter Information

Church or community news to be included in the newsletter needs to be sent to the Parish Office or Vicarage by the last Tuesday of the month.