Exploring Church
Our next Exploring course will begin on Monday 3 February and we will be Exploring Church. Exploring groups are a fairly new thing to church and so you may wonder:
Is it for me? Yes! As Christians we are life-long learners and explorers so whether you are new to church, a bit on the edge or right in the throngs of it - exploring is for you.
What will it be like? Our exploring groups are friendly and interactive places - but this doesn't mean it's always easy. Expect to be welcomed, to be challenged and to be drawn into the conversation - wherever you are on your faith journey.
Can I ask questions? Yes. Questions are brilliant and help us all - if you're thinking it, chances are someone else is too!
Can I come along to one evening or do I have to make them all? Each week we will be exploring something different about Church - so come along even if you can just make one. You will get the most out of doing them all, but each one is stand-alone.
If you would like to know more please get in touch with Patrick or Beverley (0777 9516048), but please put the dates in your diary. Exploring Church will be on Monday evenings in St Peter's rooms from 7.30pm, beginning with refreshments - until latest 9pm. (A Zoom link will be available too so you can join online if you prefer.)
3, 10, 17 and 24 February - with a grand finale on 3 March.