What's on...in March

Notable dates for your diary this month:
Main Services
Sun 2nd Mar 10:30 Young Church and Holy Communion Behold the Lamb
Wed 5 Mar Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 10:30 and 19:30 at St Peter's
Sun 9th Mar 10:30 Family Service
Sun16 Mar 9:15 Breakfast Church and 10:30 Holy Communion
Sun 23rd 10:30 Holy Communion followed by APCM
Sun 30th 10:30 Mothering Sunday Service
Other events and activities
Sat 29 Mar 10:00 - 12:00 Bunching for Mothering Sunday Join us for the happy task of bunching daffodils and greenery for distribution on Mothering Sunday
Lent Course: Holy Habits
Connecting with the four spiritual disciplines represented in our Monastic Garden, our Lenten course will be a multi-sensory Journey of encounter on Monday evenings, 19:30 in St Peter's rooms:
March 10th Hospitality
March 17th Prayer
March 24th Work
March 31st Healing
April 7th Centred

Lent: Footsteps through Luke
Explore the Gospel of Luke - daily email throughout Lent and on St Peter’s Facebook page.
Keep an eye on your email inbox – the reflections will be delivered daily from Ash Wednesday 5 March and posted on St Peter’s Facebook page at 7pm each evening.
We will read the whole of Luke’s Gospel during the evening of Wednesday 16 April, in Holy Week, and sign up sheets to take part in this popular event will be available in due course.
APCM - Annual Parochial Church Meeting takes place on 23 March following 10:30 Service
Mothers’ Union
Mon 10 Mar 14:00 Revd. Sue Hawkins - “What can you see?” No need to be a member, just turn up
St John's Coffee Shop... reopens Sat 5 April! 10:30 - 16:30pm every Sat until end of Oct
As always, see this month's Newsletter for more details of all the above and much, much more!
AND don't forget coming soon...